Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Kinght's Tale Part 3 Summary:

Arcita and Palamon return to Thebes to each gather an army of a hundred men. During the year that passes, Theseus builds an amphitheater to house the upcoming battle. The amphitheater has three temples, one dedicated to Venus, the other to Diana, and the last to Mars. A year later, Palamon and Arcita ride to Athens, each with a hundred knights. Palamon rides with the King of Thrace, while Arcita rides with the King of India. Once they arrive in Athens, the two men and their company are situated in Thesus' castle. They are honored with feasts and are given Theseus' greatest hospitality. The day before the battle, Palamon goes to the temple of Venus before daybreak to pray for his victory. He prays that she help him in battle and give him strength to defeat Arcita and win Emily. On the same day, just after sunrise, Emily goes to the temple of Diana to pray that she protect her. Emily says that she does not want to ever marry or have a child, and prays that Diana, being the goddess of virgins, protect her from Palamon and Arcita and that they find love elsewhere. Several hours later, Arcita goes to the temple of Mars to pray for victory in battle. He asks Mars to give him strength and power to defeat Palamon. Each god responds to their prayers: Venus sends down a signal that she has heard Palamon's prayers; Diana appears before Emily to tell her she must marry either Arcita or Palamon; and Mars whispers that there will be victory to Arcita. However, up in the heavens, the gods fight with one another, each trying to help their respective followers.

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