Monday, March 18, 2013

Prompt- Which door would you choose?

I would most definitely choose the door that led to Hogwarts. There are so many reasons that I would pick this world, first and foremost being that there is magic. I also would want to become Hemione's best friend and kill Lavender Brown. I would get my wand at Ollivander's and it would probably be elm wood with a dragon heart string core, but as we all know the wand chooses the wizard so I don't know for sure. I would want to get an owl and a cat, although Im not sure if that would be in violation of some sort of one animal per student rule. I would get a black cat, one that looks a lot like Mrs. Norris so that students would think it worked for Filch and get scared. My owl would be snow white because Hedwig had a very classy look to her. If I went to Hogwarts I would want to be a chaser on the quidditch team. I would be in Ranvenclaw because everyone knows Slytherin is for jerks and Hufflepuff is for losers. I wouldn't want to be in Gryffindor because I feel like everyone in that house would be really arrogant (except for Hermione of course). So when I need to study for an exam I would invite Hermione to the Ravenclaw common room because that's where all the smart kids are. The only bad thing about going to Hogwarts is that I am pretty sure all the wizards and witches will die out. I mean, its just that J.K Rowling did not create a sustainable world; the only way the magic bloodline can stay alive is if there was a lot of incest going around. So yeah that is kind of self-explanatory in why I would be hesitant to go to Hogwarts. Even if you factor in Durmstrang and Beauxbatons and the rest of the wizarding world, it still isn't enough to remain magical for very long. And think of the squibs! So wizards would definitely have to interbreed with muggles. But then what would happen if the magic died out? Then I wouldn't want to go to Hogwarts because there would be no magic! So if I left right now to go to Hogwarts then it would be fine, but in a couple of generations, no thanks.

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